Thursday 19 March 2009

Visions Are a Load of Nonsense

We are in an unprecedented period in world economic history. Banks have failed, companies have failed, the system has failed. It is being propped up with a $900 billion finger in the dyke and a prayer that it will hold. We've moved from Worldcom and Enron, who illegally pillaged the system, to the legal marauders who have now brought us to our knees.

Where did it all go wrong? Here is an example of why we are in the pickle we are in.

"General Motor’s vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. We will earn our customers’ enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork, and innovation
of GM people."

Vision. What a crock that is! It is supposed to be the basis of strategy and here we have an example from one of the great businesses of the age demonstrating that vision in business is not understood.

The statement is mostly about them. What do we, the customer, get out of it? Enthusiasm! Look at where the vision has taken the brink. You could also argue that not many people in GM were aware of the vision judging by their track record.

A vision like GMs is as good as useless to a business. Their vision is a goal with a bit of 'mission' thrown in. There is nothing in the statement to show what their contribution is going to be. A vision is not what can the world do for you, it is what can you do for the world.

Interestingly, as a result of the economic crisis and the car industries' begging bowl being held out that a truer vision is emerging in relation to greener policies. A vision should help business get what it wants, only make sure that there is also a contribution in return.

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